Es sind zwar nur noch ein paar Wochen in diesem Jahr übrig, aber wenn du es nicht schon getan hast, ist jetzt ein guter Zeitpunkt, um mit der Planung deiner Beiträge in Social Media für das nächste Jahr zu beginnen. Die Erstellung von speziellen Werbeaktionen ist für viele Unternehmen eine gängige Praxis, die den üblichen Werbeaktionen eine einzigartige Wendung geben kann. Außerdem profitiert man so von den Nutzern sozialer Medien, die nach Hashtags suchen.
Um dir dabei zu helfen, findest du hier den umfangreichen Feiertagskalender von rankingCoach. Zusammen mit einigen großartigen Beispielen von Unternehmen, die Wege finden, Produkte und Angebote auf unterhaltsame und ansprechende Weise zu verknüpfen.
TIPP: Eine weitere gute Möglichkeit, sich für deine Beiträge inspirieren zu lassen, ist die Verwendung von Social-Media-Monitoring-Tools, wie rankingCoach FREE
1. Januar:
Neujahr #NewYearsDay
8. Januar
Elvis Presley & David Bowie’s Geburtstag #ElvisBirthday & #BowiesBirthday
Tickets for the 2019 #ElvisBirthday Celebration are on sale now! Join us this January as we celebrate the king's birthday: #Graceland #Memphis #Elvis
— Graceland (@VisitGraceland) November 5, 2018
17. Januar
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day #MLKDay
Today and every day we honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.@gracecathedral || #MLKDay
— Golden State Warriors (@warriors) January 18, 2021
20. Januar
Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
24. Januar
National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay
28. Januar:
Data Privacy Day #PrivacyAware
UK Daily Deals: Save up to 50% in the Nike Clothing and Footwear Sale
— IGN UK Deals (@IGNUKDeals) January 17, 2020
Sticky Password 85% off for Data Privacy Day
Pay only £175.95 for the Nintendo Switch Lite
Save Even More on Apple AirPods This January
1. Februar
Chinese New Year #YearOfTheTiger
Celebrate Chinese New Year with the Steam Lunar Sale!
— Hunt: Showdown (@HuntShowdown) February 11, 2021
Join in the celebrations and get Hunt and many of its DLCs with up to 75% off!
Store -
2. Februar
Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay
4. Februar
World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay #WCD2022
5. Februar
Super Bowl LVI #SBLVI
It might be Super Bowl weekend but we're not leaving any teams out with this sale!🏈
— Zipchair (@Zipchair) February 5, 2021
15% OFF ALL NFL furniture when you use code: SB15
(Limited time only) #Zipchair #SBLV #NFLPlayoffs
9. Februar
World Pizza Day #WorldPizzaDay
14. Februar
Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay
This #ValentinesDay, we're all about the love letter to end all love letters: 💔
— Jane Austen's House (@JaneAustenHouse) February 14, 2021
We'll be exploring the theme of love in Jane Austen's life and work in JANE AUSTEN LOVE FEST this evening. Tickets on sale until 3pm!
20. Februar
Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay
Happy #LoveYourPetDay! BestPetGifts·com #DomainName for sale. #Westminster #westminsterdogshow #gift #gifts #ecommerce #dog #dogs #puppy #puppies #cat #cats #kittens #pet #pets #birds #horses #turtles #DomainsForSale #Domains #love
— Corporation Domains w/ Tasha Kidd (@CorporationDom) February 20, 2018
21. Februar
Presidents’ Day #PresidentsDay
International Mother Language Day #MotherLanguageDay
22. Februar
Darwin Day #DarwinDay
#Great_Offer! #ValentinesDaySpecial
— Graphic Designer (@AthoiSabbir3) February 12, 2018
▶Background Removal
15 Image = $5
50 Image = $20
100 Image = $100#MondayMotivation #alayma #DarwinDay #AmySherald #UKPunDay#pancakeday2018 #DarwinDay #DNAwentGOLD #CHEWBA #bbdebate #DNAwentGOLD #FSRADIOBRASIL #FofocalizandoNoSBT
4. März
National Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay (USA)
7. März
National Be Heard Day #NationalBeHeardDay (USA)
8. März
International Women’s Day #BeBoldForChange #InternationalWomensDay
In the ramp-up to the 8th of March, the Women's Bureau at the Qamishlo municipality opened a permanent women's market dedicated to goods & handycrafts sold by women.
— Rojava Information Center (@RojavaIC) March 8, 2021
The opening of the women's market is the culmination of a year-long project. #WomensDay
13. März
Daylight Saving Time begins #DaylightSaving (USA)
15. März
World Consumer Rights Day #WCRD2022
17. März
St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay
Happy #StPatricksDay!
— Lunar Client (@LunarClient) March 17, 2021
Our new limited edition Spring and Saint Patrick's Day cosmetics are now on sale at 🌺
Retweet + Follow for a chance to win 5x cosmetics of your choice! ☀️
20. März
First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring
21. März
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination #IDERD
"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love." – Nelson Mandela #FightRacism #IDERD
— The Elders (@TheElders) March 21, 2019
27. März
Academy Awards #AcademyAwards
Summertime begins (EU) #Summertime
4. April
April Fools Day #AprilFools
This is NOT an #AprilFools joke! Tickets for the 2nd leg of the Good Problem to Have Tour go on sale this Friday at 10 AM local time. All new material. Visit for more info.
— Nate Bargatze (@natebargatze) April 1, 2019
10. April
National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay
11. April
National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
Happy #NationalPetDay! Here are a few of our pet creations.
— Hey Little Cupcake! (@HLCupcake) April 11, 2016
Pupcakes on sale in Spinningfields & Selfridges today!🐶
16. April
National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay
17. April
Easter #HappyEaster
🐣 EASTER SALE 🐣 25% off all prints with code Easter25. Shop through this link 👉 #HappyEaster
— nickdillon (@nickdillonart) April 1, 2021
World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay
International Day of Forest #WorldForestDay
22. April
Earth Day #EarthDay2022
4. Mai
May Day #MayDay
Labor Day (outside of US) #LaborDay
4. Mai
Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay #Maythe4thBeWithYou
This is the collection of Star Wars skins you've been looking for 👋. All Star Wars skin packs are on sale in the Minecraft Marketplace with 33% off until the 5th of May 10 am PST.#MayThe4thBeWithYou#Minecraft#StarWars#4JStudios#MayThe4th
— 4J Studios (@4JStudios) May 4, 2020
5. Mai
Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo
6. Mai
National Nurses Day #NursesDay (USA)
8. Mai
Mother’s Day #MothersDay (USA)
Win a personalised Apron and a copy of #JamieOliver's 15 Minute Meals Recipe Book for your Mom this #MothersDay! 🌸To enter simply like the @Franke_SA page, RT this post, and tag two Moms in the comments! #Competition closes at midnight on Wed 8th May 2019. T's & C's apply.
— Franke South Africa (@Franke_SA) May 3, 2019
15. Mai
International Day of Families #FamilyDay
30. Mai
National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay #CreativityDay #CreativityEveryday
Memorial Day #MemorialDay #MDW
3. Juni
National Donut Day (USA) #NationalDonutDay
8. Juni
Best Friends Day (USA) #BestFriendsDay
World Oceans Day #worldoceansday
Happy #WorldOceansDay! Here's my latest piece "Ocean Treasures - Sea Otter" featuring purple sea urchin, sea palm, jade, Pacific sardine, sea grapes, and California mussel. Watercolor and pen.
— Nicole "Thornwolf" Dornsife (@ThornwolfArt) June 8, 2021
Original painting and prints will be made available for sale at a later date.
19. Juni
Father’s Day #FathersDay
HEY DAD, boy oh boy do we got the perfect #FathersDay gift set for you! Introducing 3 new Hot Wheels items to help with all those aches, pains and itches. (Products not for sale) #HotWheels
— Hot Wheels (@Hot_Wheels) June 20, 2021
21. Juni
First Day of Summer #SummerSolstice
International Day of Yoga #InternationalDayOfYoga
30. Juni
International Asteroid Day #AsteroidDay
3. Juli
Independence Day (United States)
20% OFF NOW! #Weekend #Sale #20off
— Ozzy Osbourne (@OzzyOsbourne) July 2, 2021
17. Juli
National Ice Cream Day (USA) #icecreamday
World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay
18. Juli
Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
29. Juli
International Tiger Day #internationaltigerday
Yo furries, running a sketch sale for #InternationalTigerDay! Let your tiger friends know!
— Jonathan Vair Duncan 🗡️🦁🌞 (@jonathanvair) July 29, 2015
8. August
International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
It's almost #InternationalCatDay, and we're celebrating with a week-long sale!
— Cattails Game (@cattailsgame) August 5, 2019
35% off Cattails for PC, Mac, or Linux!
50% off the Deluxe Content + OST package!
Steam page: #cat #steamsales #steamsale #gaming #sale #rpg #pixelart #catsoftwitter
16. August
National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
19. August
World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay
26. August
International Dog Day #InternationalDogDay
Happy International Dog Day!!#DogDay
— Dusty Dogz (@RustyDogz) August 26, 2021
World Letter Writing Day #WorldLetterWritingDay
4. September
Beyoncé’s Birthday #happybirthdaybeyonce #beyday
— simone is not suspended anymore 💕 (@BlackOrchid_BBO) September 1, 2018
5. September
Labor Day #LaborDay
11. September
National Day of Service and Remembrance (USA) #PatriotsDay
13. September
International Chocolate Day #internationalchocolateday
Sept. 13th is #InternationalChocolateDay & we're giving away LOTS of chocolate. Tune in on Sept. 13th!
— Purdys Chocolatier (@PurdysChocolate) September 9, 2016
Sunday, National Grandparents Day #NationalGrandparentsDay
21. September
International Day of Peace #PeaceDay
22. September
First Day of Fall #FirstDayOfFall
There's a #FirstDayOfFall sale going on at the Dispensary....
— Lou From DelCo (@IslanderNation) September 22, 2020
1. Oktober
International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay
World Smile Day #WorldSmileDay
— Blogger Support Community (@bloggersupportx) October 3, 2016
4amAUS (4th)#KYLIECOSMETICS #WorldSmileDay w/ @Smiletrain
2. Oktober
Mahatma Gandhi Birthday #HappyBirthdayGandhi
10. Oktober
World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHealthDay
World Homeless Day #WorldHomelessDay
25. Oktober
International Artist Day #internationalartistday
For sustainable queer-made accessories and gifts come and check out my Depop shop! Every sale directly supports my transition by helping me to afford hormone prescriptions, blood tests and surgery ❤️ #spookyLGBTQIA #InternationalArtistDay #artist
— (h)alli(ween) 🦇 (@inrainbowsirl) October 25, 2020
30. Oktober
Daylight savings time (EU) #Daylightsavingstime
31. Oktober
Halloween #Halloween
Get $25 off any order over $100 on the Gloomth site til Oct.31st! Code: HALLOWEEN (all details on our blog)#gloomth #alt #sale #lolitafashion #halloween
— Gloomth (@gloomth) October 18, 2021
1. November
happy #WorldVeganDay from yours truley 🌱
— genji (@ripgenji) November 2, 2020
6. November
Daylight Saving Time ends (USA) #DaylightSavings
11. November
Veterans Day #VeteransDay
24. November
Thanksgiving Day (US) #Thanksgiving
There are big things coming out of the #Butterball #Turkey Talk-Line this #Thanksgiving. This video gives you a little taste...
— Butterball (@butterball) October 18, 2021
25. November
Black Friday #BlackFriday
26. November
Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall
✨Happy Small Business Saturday!!✨
— ✨ sirens metaphysical ✨ (@SirensMagick) November 28, 2020
All prints 50% off!
4"x6" $2.00!!
5"x7" $3.00!! #BlackFriday #womenowned
28. November
Cyber Monday #CyberMonday
6. Dezember
St. Nicholas Day #StNicholasDay
Celebrate this #StNicholasDay by surprising someone with a treat of their favorite #PlantersSnacks. Do you find joy in giving? #TGIF #SantaClaus #PlantersConfectionary #12DaysofChristmasGiveaways #PlantersCanada
— Mr Peanut (@planterscanada) December 6, 2019
17. Dezember
Super Saturday #SuperSaturday
18. Dezember
Hanukkah Begins #Hanukkah
21. Dezember
First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice
Well, this month has been financially awful.😅
— jam. (BlossomDesignCo)🌸 (@blossomdcJam) December 21, 2020
So I'm doing a 15% off sale on all my other art and commissions to hopefully cover a couple unexpected bills.💖 #artistsontwitter #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #WinterSolstice
24. Dezember
Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve
25. Dezember
Christmas Day #MerryChristmas
31. Dezember
New Year’s Eve #NYE
NYE COMP. RT and I'll choose 4 people and give them Backstage Passes and free drinks. Tickets go on sale 10am tomorrow. £29.50 for the first 48hrs #NYE #Whp19
— Sacha Lord (@Sacha_Lord) October 29, 2019
Erfahre alles, was du wissen musst, um dein Marketing auf das nächste Level zu bringen. Bringe dein Unternehmen auf Erfolgskurs!