Thomas Meierkord, COO of rankingCoach.
rankingCoach 360 gives users the power to optimize their websites by following simple tasks and video tutorials. Additionally, rankingCoach synchronizes business information in all the most important online directories such as Tripadvisor, Yelp, and Foursquare and allows users to manage their Google My Business profiles from the dashboard of the app. It offers an innovative feed to inform users in real-time of the online developments affecting their business, such as customer reviews, social media activity, and competitor promotions and interactions. Finally, users are able to create, launch, and manage effective Google Ads directly with the app. rankingCoach 360 is tailored to the user’s CMS and language and requires no previous knowledge in digital marketing.
This innovative and game-changing approach to helping SMBs is why rankingCoach 360 won the award for the Best Global Search Software Tool at this year's GDX Awards.
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